- Robert Chuckrow Tai Chi Arts & Sciences
- Site Map Page 1 - Generated by www.xml-sitemaps.com
- Index of articles on diet, health, and T’ai Chi
- Sayings
- Links to T’ai-Chi Ch’i-Kung, and Movements-Arts Websites
- Robert Chuckrow’s Books and Videos
- Extending the Adductor Muscles
- Relieving a Stiff Neck Using Kinetic Awareness Principles
- Lower-Back Education
- Articles on Nutrition and Health
- High-Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Cane Sugar
- A Natural Source of Omega 3?
- Therapeutic Magnets
- The Food Pyramid
- Are Vitamin Supplements Worthless?
- Red Wine?
- Are Double-Blind Studies Valid?
- Therapeutic Fasting
- A Possible Dietary Cause of Arthritis and Allergies
- Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and Antacids
- True Compared to False Hunger
- Overweight: Causes and Reversal
- The Problem with Diets and Willpower
- Vegetarianism Pros and Cons
- Hunger Pangs: Cause and Alleviation
- Water and Beverages
- Protein
- Leg Cramps: Causes and Prevention
- Some Traditinal Chinese Medicine Remedies
- About Robert Chuckrow
- Peng, Jin, and Li
- Tai Chi Forms/Movements
- Directions to Ryder Park, Ossining
- T’ai-Chi Classes and Events with Robert Chuckrow. Ph.D.
- About the Classes
- T’ai-Chi Articles and Information
- Recognizing the Distinction Between Jin and Li
- Why Study T’ai Chi?
- A Clarification of “Secret” Teachings Revealed by Cheng Man-ch’ing
- The Head and Eyes During T’ai-Chi-Form Practice
- A Biological Interpretation of Ch’i
- Cheng Man-ch’ing’s Short Form and the Yang-Style Long Form: Differences and Relative Benefits
- Circular Modalities of Hands in T’ai-Chi (Taiji) Movement
- Non-Intention and Being-in-the-Moment
- Stepping Like a Cat
- “A Hand is Not a Hand”
- T’ai-Chi “Rooting and Redirecting” Analyzed
- Cultivating the Correct Internal State in T’ai-Chi Movement
- Is Active Muscular Extension Possible?
- Seven Ways of Validating Your Progress in T’ai Chi
- Muscular Strength: Advantages of Expansion Over Contraction in T’ai Chi
- Use the Mind and Not Force
- Tucking the Tailbone in T’ai-Chi-Form Practice
- “Swimming on Land”
- Knee, Ankle, and Arch Alignment
- T’ai-Chi Push-Hands Demos: Real or Fake
- T’ai-Chi Practice Suggestions
- Individual Form-Movement Analysis
- Non-Action in T’ai Chi Movement
- Clarifications of Perplexing Taiji Sayings and Admonitions
- D�ng and D�ng (Move and Swing)
- Seek the Straight From the Curve
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/AcidAlkaline2.pdf
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/AcidAlkaline.pdf
- Praise Tai Chi Walking
- Photos of Form Postures
- T’ai-Chi Form Movements
- Praise for The Tai Chi Book
- Praise for Tai Chi Dynamics
- Directions to Pierre Van Cortlandt Middle School (PVC)
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/RegistrationForm.pdf
- T’ai Chi Workshop
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/OrderForm.pdf
- Push-Hands Video
- T’ai-Chi Form Video
- Tai Chi Dynamics Video
- To Receive Autographed Copies of Books
- Supermarkets
- The Mind During T’ai-Chi Practice
- Fever: Bane or Boon?
- About Ch’i Kung
- Healthful Recipes
- Evaluation of Beans as Food
- Are Bananas Very High in Potassium?
- Aluminum Cookware and Alzheimer’s?
- Cholesterol, and Margarine versus Butter
- Sugar-Box Blurb
- The Nutrient-to-Calorie Ratio
- Microwave Versus Conventional Cookery
- Non-Profit “Plant” Organizations
- Breakfast?
- Skepticism
- Interpreting Your Weight Gain or Loss
- The Importance of Aerobic Exercise in Weight Loss
- Factors That Affect the Aging Process
- Nutrition-Facts Labels
- How to Select Fruit
- Sunlight
- Salt and Condiments
- Addictions and Cravings
- Flatulence and Halitosis
- Juicing Raw Fruits and Vegetables
- Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
- Acid/Alkaline Balance
- Combining Foods for Optimal Digestion and Assimilation
- Digestion
- Directions to Fox Senior Center
- Payment Policies for Saturday T’ai-Chi Class at Trinity Church
- Directions to Trinity Church
- Class-Change or -Cancellation Information
- Tai Chi Walking Book
- Book on Diet and Nutrition
- My Talk on 10/18/04 at a Celebration for Elaine Summers
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/BroadswordForm.pdf
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/SwordForm.pdf
- T'ai-Chi Short-Form Postures
- Stretching Routine
- Learning from a Video
- About Ch’i Kung
- How to decide which T’ai-Chi Teacher is for you
- About T’ai Chi
- The Importance of Continuity
- About T’ai-Chi Sword
- Independence of Movement
- “Wrong”—or “Different”?
- Mind-Body Unification in T’ai Chi
- Mind, Body, and Spirit
- Practicing Correct Strength (Jin) In T’ai-Chi Movement
- Benefits of T’ai Chi
- The Tai Chi Book
- Ch’i-Kung Video
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/ShortForm.pdf
- https://www.chuckrowtaichi.com/LongForm.pdf
- Vision Improvement
- How the Use of Eyes Affects Balance
- About Yin and Yang
- Recognizing and Cultivating Ch’i in T’ai-Chi Movement
- Peng, Jin, and Li
- Recognizing and Practicing Jin (Correct Strength)
- Robert Chuckrow Tai Chi Arts & Sciences
- Tai Chi Dynamics Book
- “Natural” Flavors
- Eating Just Before Bedtime
- Was T’ai Chi Practiced by Former American Slaves?
- How Does Practicing T’ai Chi Reduce Falls?
- Teaching Seniors T’ai Chi
- Dangers of Using Images in Movement Arts
- How T’ai Chi Improves Memory
- Robert Chuckrow Tai Chi Arts & Sciences
- Tai Chi Concepts and Experiments Book
- False and Misleading Margarine Commercials
- T’ai Chi Workshop
- Praise for Tai Chi Concepts and Experiments